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Students will develop their artistic talents and learn about the principles and elements of art by creating works of art influenced by different artists of various backgrounds and art movements.
Creative Minds with a Twist
Register online or in person at Tamarac Park, 7501 N University Drive
(we accept major credit cards and e-pays)
Resident Fee; $45; Non-resident Fee $55
Plus $10 instructor fee for materials.
Location: Tamarac Park
Ages 6-11 years - Saturdays, 11am-12pm
Ages 12 to 16 years- Saturdays, 12:30pm-1:30pm
Dates: 3 week session: Dec 7, 14, & 21

For more information please call 954-597-3674
1 Sections
Column #1 Activity # Description Dates Times Days Location Ages Cost Column #10 Availability Column #12
Unavailable 215020-M1 CREATIVE MINDS WITH A TWIST (ages 12-16 yrs) 12/07/2024 -12/21/2024 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm Sa Tamarac Park 12-16.99 $45.00 Item Details Unavailable